Create and run a container from an image.
docker run <image_name>
# Options
-d, --detach # Run the container in detached mode
-it # Interactive + TTY - Open a shell in the new container
--name # Assign a name to the container
-p, --publish # Expose container ports to host ports
--rm # Automatically remove the container on exit
-v, --volume # Mount (create) a named volume for data persistence beyond container lifecycle
List containers.
docker ps # List running containers
# Options
-a, --all # List all containers (running & stopped)
-l, --latest # List latest created container
-q, --quiet # Only display container IDs
-s, --size # Display total file sizes
Start an existing container.
docker start <container_name_or_id>
# Options
-a, --attach # Attach STDOUT and forward signals
Stop a running container.
docker stop <container_name_or_id>
Accessing containers.
docker attach <container_name> # Attach to a detached container so it runs in foreground
docker logs <container_name> # Fetch and trail the logs of a container
docker exec -it <container_name> sh # Open a shell (sh/bash/etc.) inside a running container
Copying files from host machine to container.
docker cp local/test.txt <container_name>:/app
Removing containers.
docker rm <container_name> # Remove a single (stopped) container
docker container prune # Remove all stopped containers