uv Dependency Management

Add dependencies


Add dependencies to the project.

uv add <packages>

# Options
--dev               # Add dependency to dev dependency group (alias for --group dev)
--directory         # Change to the given directory prior to running the command
--frozen            # Add dependency but skip updating the uv.lock file
--group             # Add dependency to a specified dependency group
--locked            # Assert that the uv.lock will remain unchanged
-n, --no-cache      # Avoid reading from or writing to the cache
-q, --quiet         # Do not print any output
-r, --requirements  # Add all packages listed in the given requirements.txt file(s)
  • Installs the dependency into the virtual environment (generates .venv if it doesn’t exist).
  • Adds the dependency to the pyproject.toml’s project.dependencies table, or dependency-groups table when specifying --group.
  • Syncs uv.lock file (generates file if it doesn’t exist).
  • Installs the most recent, compatible version if version constraint isn’t provided.

Sync project dependencies


Update the project’s environment. Syncing ensures that all project dependencies are installed and up-to-date with the lockfile.

uv sync

# Options
--frozen        # Sync without updating the uv.lock file
--group         # Include dependencies from the specified dependency group
--locked        # Assert that the uv.lock will remain unchanged
-n, --no-cache  # Avoid reading from or writing to the cache
--no-dev        # Omit the dev dependency group
--no-progress   # Hide all progress outputs
--only-dev      # Only include the dev dependency group
--only-group    # Only include dependencies from the specified dependency group
-q, --quiet     # Do not print any output
--refresh       # Refresh all cached data
--reinstall     # Reinstall all packages, regardless of whether they're already installed
  • Installs project dependencies (defined in the pyproject.toml) into the virtual environment (generates .venv if it doesn’t exist).
  • Removes packages that are not declared as dependencies of the project.

Remove dependencies


Remove dependencies from the project.

uv remove <packages>

# Options
--dev     # Remove the packages from the dev dependency group
--frozen  # Remove dependencies without re-locking the project
--group   # Remove the packages from the specified dependency group
--locked  # Assert that the uv.lock will remain unchanged
  • Removes dependencies from the project’s pyproject.toml file.
  • If multiple entries are given for a given dependency, all of the entries will be removed.

Viewing the dependency tree

Show project dependency relationships.


uv tree

# Options
-d, --depth  # Maximum display depth of the dependency tree
--group      # Include dependencies from the specified group only
--no-dev     # Omit the development dependency group
--only-dev   # Only include the development dependency group
--outdated   # Show the latest available version of each package in the tree
--universal  # Show a platform-independent dependency tree

Update the project lockfile

Creating and maintaining the project’s uv.lock file.


uv lock

# Options
--check                # Check if the lockfile is up-to-date
--dry-run              # Perform a dry run, without writing the lockfile
-U, --upgrade          # Allow package upgrades, ignoring pinned versions in any existing output file
-P, --upgrade-package  # Allow upgrades for a specific package
  • If the uv.lock does not exist, running uv lock generates the file at the root of the project.